How to Deal with Negativity & Haters as a Property Investor

Dilleen Property Group 2021

angry sign being held up

It’s Inevitable

When you start investing in property or even talking about property it’s inevitable you are going to get haters. People will be waiting for your downfall so they can say “I told you so”. This negative mindset usually comes from the insecurity of others falling behind financially, or not being able to get themselves into the property market.

In the Beginning

What I have personally experienced over the years I’ve been investing in property is, when I began purchasing 2-6 properties my family and friends began to think I was crazy. Everyone said “why would you do that? You should buy a place to live in instead of buying all these properties.” I started to hear a lot of negativity like this from the people around me. Even when I would post an achievement on Facebook when I bought my 3rd or 4th property, I would receive negative comments.

I have been dealing with negative opinions and comments for a long time now, so I hope I can help some of you out there who may be just getting into property investing or those of you who already own property. Just know, you are not alone.

The Victim Mentality

Over the years I’ve realised that there's going to be people that don't agree with being a property investor. There’s going to be people who have a victim mentality, who believe that investors are taking away all the properties from everyone else, and believe that everyone in Australia should only own one property each.

The reality is, you will never be able to stop these people from saying these things, or judging your choices in life, you will never be able to make everyone happy.

When you get started in property investing and begin growing your portfolio, if someone says something judgemental or negative to you, just brush it off. Most of the time those negative comments are coming from a place of insecurity. They will take out their frustrations on someone who is bettering their life in order to feel better about their own.

We Need Property Investors

The way I view being a property investor and being a landlord is that we are providing housing and accommodation. If the government can physically provide public housing to everybody, they need property investors. A lot of the time the government give property investors tax deductions and grants, so they can buy more properties and lease them out to people. The government and our society need property investors.

Invest for Yourself

If you are trying to better your own life by investing in property, do not let the haters take that away from you. I personally grew up in a very poor family where no one owned property at all. When I was growing up in that situation I didn’t want that to determine the rest of my life, I didn’t want to continue struggling for money or feeling helpless every day. That was not the life I wanted to live, which is why I began investing in property. I saw property as a vehicle to better my situation and be able to provide for my family.

Unfortunately, not everyone sees this.

If you’re a property investor and you receive negativity and people trying to put you down for bettering your own situation, I urge you to keep doing what you’re doing, prove the haters wrong and don’t let weak minded people bring you down.

Disclaimer: This is not intended as legal, financial, or investment advice and should not be construed or relied on as such. Before making any commitment of a legal or financial nature, you should seek advice from a qualified and registered legal practitioner or financial or investment adviser.


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